As lovers of Japanese literature, we have launched a project to provide translators the opportunity to translate as many Japanese books into English and publish them as e-books, so that we can share our culture with the rest of the world!
We are currently working on selected short stories of Osamu Dazai, author of No Longer Human, to publish as an e-book. As this is not the first and last project, we are also looking for translators who can partner with us in the long-term.
Translator application requirements:
– Japanese proficiency of N1 and above
– Disciplined and can meet deadlines
– A plus if you have experience in publishing a translation
– Please submit a translation portfolio if you have one
Other details:
– The compilation will have several translators, all of whom will be credited as the translator of their respective stories.
– Each person will work on 2 or 3 stories, of approx. 3,000-6,500 characters each, in a 1 to 1.5-month period.
– You must take a translation trial first.
– Fee: one-off payment of $150-$400 per story, depending on length and quality, and no royalties for this Dazai project
Although we are based in Japan, feel free to apply no matter where you live and regardless of your nationality or who you are. We will test and evaluate each candidate according to his/her ability and NOT years of experience.
If you have already translated a Japanese book/story into English and haven’t published it, or there is a work you want to translate, please let us know.
We are currently negotiating with publishers for a number of other books, so there will be more to come!
If you are interested, please contact us at: